Media Types
Media Types list all the file formats and extensions the CMS will use to import content. It will only import content that matches what's listed under Pattern for each format.
Warning - Unless you're 100% certain that you understand what something does we don't suggest altering the setup. Changing the settings and configuration of Media Types cannot be undone.
Name - is the name of the media type
Type - will be 1 of the following: vids, highres, caps - Do not enter values other than this.
Label - This is the name that will show up on your site as the text link for a movie e.g. Quicktime, Flash
Full Video - Only set this to Yes if the current media type is a full video. If this is set to show download it will show a download link. If it's set to Embed, it will make this the default format for the site and when someone clicks to view an update, this format will play on the page automatically.
Show Play Button - This is ONLY used for clips. This will show a link to play the embedded movie. For a full length movie this should be set to NO.
Show Download Button - This is ONLY for clips. This will show a link to download the movie. For a full length movie this should be set to NO.
Display Order - This sets the order of the media type links on the video page.
FFMpeg sort order - This controls which order the system uses to look at movie files to take screencaps. This field can usually be left blank.
Show in Member's Area - If checked, this media type will be shown in the standard member's area.
Show on Mobile Site - If checked, this media type will be shown in the mobile member's area. This is only available if you have the optional add-on mobile site setup.
Format - This is the name used as the title for the grid in the full download/watch full movie table e.g. WMV, MPG, etc.
Size/Speed - This is the download/watch link text that will show below the format title in the full download/watch grid e.g. 640x480, 1500k, 720 HD, etc.
Order - This controls which order the links show in the full download/watch grid and lets you sort them so a certain format is listed at the top and/or so that multiple sizes of the same format e.g. WMV 640 and WMV 320 are grouped together and listed 1 under the other in the table.