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Switch to gallery view
Clicking this link will change the page display to show you a thumbnail preview of your content.

Switch to list view
Clicking this link will change the page display to show your content in a list format.

Adding and Editing:
This process is fairly self explanatory. The set edit page is where you will perform most of the content import process. This is where the database record of each content set will be created.

Scheduling Updates:
At the top of the Add/Edit Content Set page are fields titled "Appearing" and "Days Until Visible" which control how updates are released. You can schedule by date or use "Days Until Visible" to release updates based on the membership length of each individual user.

To Schedule an update by date:
Enter a date into the "Appearing" field or click the Select a Date button and use the calendar to choose a date for your update. Upon clicking the Add/Edit Entry submit button at the bottom of the page your date selection will be added or edited.

To Schedule an update by days active for each member:
Enter a number of days into the "Days Until Visible" field. If the field is left blank or a 0 (Zero) is entered, the content will be available to all members instantly. This means that it will show on day 1 of their membership and they will see it when they first login to the member area.

Setting this to 1 or 2 will add increments to the default 0 and will release content on the 2nd or 3rd day of each membership cycle accordingly.

Location - Sets

On the main Set page select a set to manage and click "Preview". This will load a page that shows you each individual piece of content within the set. This allows you to schedule part of a set to be released with its own update date, independent of other dates. Common use of this is to stagger the release of a set of video clips over a set period of days.

Under each preview thumb you'll see a checkbox and Date: followed by the numerical date assigned to this set and also the number of days until the content will be released for a member if the Timed Content Release System is in use.

At the bottom of this page is a form field you can enter a date (Clicking the date field will bring up the calendar) or the number of days until release for the checked item(s). Clicking the "Change Date" button will apply your new date.

This will change the release dates for all selected (checked) pieces of content and allow you to show photos and/or videos in sequence rather than at the same time.

If you have scheduled an item to be released with its own date using the "preview" page settings, checking the box on the set add/edit page titled "Update Existing content with this date and days until visible." Will overwrite the dates of each individual item.

If you have scheduled an item to be released with its own date using the "preview" page settings, checking the box on the set add/edit page titled "Update Existing content with this date and days until visible." Will overwrite the dates of each individual item.

Optional Features

Content Per Page:
This field allows you to specify the number of items displayed on this set's gallery pages. For example if by default (under setup page options) your galleries have 25 thumbnails per page, you can opt to show a different number for this set. This can be useful when creating custom templates that include additional content or integrated up sells.

Extra Fields:
If extra fields are in use and the sets page is selected as a location (under Plug-Ins/Extra Fields) you will see your extra fields listed here. The data entered in these fields is not included in search results and is intended to be used solely for visual display. Common uses for this may be trivia or facts about a content set, a mini review or personal rating, etc.

Skin/Wrapper Template:
This allows you to specify a template to use for the page skin or wrapper design for the content set.

Page Layout Template:
This allows you to specify a template to use for the content layout of the content set.

Select and Crop a Thumb From This Set:
This will bring up the thumbnail selection page. This page will display all the thumbs for the selected set. If the set is unified and contains corresponding video thumbs, you will see the vidthumbs listed at the beginning of the set.

At the top of the page is a dropdown menu titled "Preferred Image Source." In the case that you have multiple photo sizes e.g. 1280 and 1024 or 800 resolution images, you can select which size photo to load in the cropper. This is for ease of use and the elimination of scrolling and crop area selection difficulty when working with larger images.

Clicking a photo will load the full size image into the built-in thumbnail cropping utility.
This page also provides options for changing the size of the cropped image. By default, the cropper is set to the dimensions of your default preview image specified on the setup page under "Content Configuration." The dropdown menu is also set to use these dimensions by default. Selecting Crop to dimensions listed below will let you crop the photo to the exact size as the area you select with the mouse.

Clicking and dragging on the photo will select the area to crop.

Priority Fields:
The priority field is used to assign priorities to preview thumbnails. Priorities can be used to determine the listing/display order of thumbnails on a page. We also use priority to manage multiple thumbnail sizes. For example, there might be a large and small thumbnail that represents each set. The priority value lets us display the correct sized photo in the intended location on a site.

Content Associations:
This allows you to assign this content to 1 or more models and have it appear among the sets belonging to each model. You can enter models to associate under Plug-Ins/Content Associations.

Full Size Photos and Thumbnails:
If you want to start the content creation process for this set immediately, check the appropriate boxes and the actions will be performed when you click the submit button. If you plan to use the batch option, leave the content related checkboxes unchecked.

Operations to Perform for This Set.

Remove Content from this Set:
Checking this box will result in any content formerly associated with this database record being removed. This DOES NOT mean that the content is deleted from the server. It means that the system will be cleared of all memory of the content existing.

The common use of this checkbox is to correct mistakes made upon upload and or import. Rather that re-enter all the accompanying data you can simply check this box and then visit the page again to recreate the content for the set or use the batch feature to replace the content.

Import This Set Into the Database:
Checking this box will add the record to the database. If scheduled for release, the set will show up in the member area but no content will be created as a result of this box being checked.

Regenerate Static HTML:
If Static HTML mode is in use, checking this box will result in HTML pages being generated upon clicking the submit button. This will result in a build of new pages only. The entire site will not be rebuilt.

Location - Sets

This page allows you to upload an image or select an image from the photo set and use the system's built-in thumbnail cropping utility.

If you upload an image, it will automatically be resized to the dimensions of your default preview image specified on the setup page under "Content Configuration."

Upload Thumb:
This page lets you browse your local hard drive and upload up to 10 photos at a time.

Priority Fields:The priority field is used to assign priorities to preview thumbnails. Priorities can be used to determine the listing/display order of thumbnails on a page. We also use priority to manage multiple thumbnail sizes. For example, there might be a large and small thumbnail that represents each set. The priority value lets us display the correct sized photo in the intended location on a site.

Optional Features:
You can set a specific thumbnail size for uploaded thumbs and have the system resize and crop the image to these dimensions as well as set the compression level for specific thumbnails.

You also have the option to add a custom overlay (watermark) image for thumbnails. In order to use an overlay, upload a transparent gif or a png file to your /members/content/ folder. In the Overlay Image form field, enter only the filename of the overlay. For example "overlay1.png" and upon clicking the submit button your image will be resized and the overlay will be applied. For best results we suggest using a png for all watermarks and overlays. Note - the system will not resize the watermark image.

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