Content Rotation Scheduling
Location - Plug-Ins
Under Sets, when adding or editing a set you have the ability to schedule sets for rotation. Each content set can have a serirs of Appear Dates and Expire Dates.
The appear date is the date when content is present on the site. The Expire date is the date the content will no longer be visible on the site.
If the Auto-Schedule Updates box is checked, the system will automatically schedule content to rotate based on the values you specify in the Number of days update is live and Number of days update will not be present before showing again.
When you enter values in these fields and hit submit, the system will automatically calculate the appear and expire dates.
For example, if you enter 10 for the Number of days update is live and enter 10 for Number of days update will not be present before showing again this means the update will show for 10 days, then vanish from the site and be shown as a new update 10 days later.