Trailer Clip Cutter Usage:
(For Clip Cutter setup, please search for "Trailer Clip Cutter setup")
In order to cut a clip manually, you're going to want to go to Sets and either add or edit an entry:
You'll notice that there's a heading for "Cut Movie Manually" set up on this page. You'll want to make sure any media types you want created by the clip cutter are selected here.
One you click "Edit Entry" and the queue runs, you're brought to a page where the editing can be done:
The page is set up as follows:
Movie Preview Pane: The source movie file can be viewed here by clicking the play button, or clicking on the movie itself.
Add Cutting Point for Video Here: While the movie is played, clicking this button will add either a Start Point or End Point down below at the point of the movie the player is at. This is put in for quick editing (only available for mp4 / flv source files)
Preview Movie: Once cutting is set up, the system will play a rough cut of how the resulting movie will look. Keep in mind, this is a rough cut, so there are no fading effects, and no watermark. Also, the start point of each movie clip will begin at the source keyframe, so the preview won't be exact. (only available or mp4 or flv source files)
Start Points: This is a point where an individual segment will begin.
End Points: This is a point where an individual segment will end.
Fade In: This is the length of time it will take for an individual segment to fade in.
Fade Out: This is the length of time it will take for an individual segment to fade out.
Add More Cutting Points: If there are not enough start points / end points available on this screen, this button will add more.
Delete Cutting Points: This will delete the last cutting point from either the Start Points / End Points. This is similar to "Undo", in that this button makes it easy to delete points set up in the boxes.
Trailer Section:
Watermark Path: If used, the resulting movie will have a watermark display on the bottom right hand of the video. Must be either a PNG file or GIF file (PNG preferred). Note: The watermark will NOT show on the preroll and postroll movie clips - only on the segments selected above.
Preroll Movie Clip: Play a movie clip before the start of the first movie segment. The default file to use is set up under transcoding types. Note: the Preroll clip will not show in preview mode
Postroll Movie Clip: Play a movie clip after the end of the last movie segment. The default file to use is set up under transcoding types. Note: the Postroll clip will not show in preview mode
Tour Section:
If this transcoder type is set up to use tours, these checkboxes control which tour(s) the resulting file is copied to after completion.