Tour Sections Print

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Tour Sections allow you to define parts of your tour page that either exclusively show a specific category, or exclude types of scenes.

This is useful if you want your tour to have separate photos and separate videos.

How to find Tour Sections

Under the Quick Jump Menu on the side of the admin panel, click Tours. Under the tour you wish to set up a Tour Section, click "Manage Sections"

Adding a Tour Section Entry

Within the Manage Sections part of the tour entry, click "Add Entry". You will be forwarded to a page with the title "Add Tour Section". Here are some of the following fields and what they do:

Label: This is the name of the section. For example, if you wanted to add a section that only shows videos, you could name this "Videos"

Paginate: If this is checked, this means that Page 2 of your tour will show different scenes from this section than Page 1. Keeping this checked or not is up to you.

Updates Per Page: This is the number of scenes you wish to show on the area.

Max Number of Pages to Paginate: Set this to 0 by default.

If this value is set to a number other than zero, this will limit the number of pages that this tour section will paginate.
As an example, if this value is set to 3, the same content will be seen on pages 3,4,5,etc.
Please leave this as zero by default unless you are looking to have this behavior.

List Updates By: This controls the default listing order of tour updates. You can ovverride this for specific updates by going to Tour, Manage Content and clicking the U, D, T, B links to move a specific update up or down on the page.

As of right now, the sorting order for this section can only be set to the same sort order as either primary tour updates, or tour thumbnails.

We recommend leaving this at Tour Updates.

Include All Categories:If you are looking to only show scenes that belong to the Videos category, uncheck this. You'll see a large dropdown show up. You'll want to make sure "Videos" or "Movies" is listed in your Include List.

Exclude Categories: If there are specific categories that you're looking to exclude here (example being Behind the Scenes sort of scenes), you can add these to this category.

Once you are done, click "Add Entry" and this entry will be added to the system.

Including Sections within your Tour

In newer build of the CMS templates (June 2016 or later), Tour Section support is built into the standard CMS templates. If you are using a standard template in a newer build of the template, support for this should show up automatically.

In older versions of the templates, you can download the newest templates and use them as a reference to implement Tour Sections within your tour.

An example of implementing the tour templates is within cms_defaults/4.0/cms_admin/phptemplate/site0/tour/template_sections/tour_sections.tpl.

For a copy of the newest PHP templates, see here.

PHP Metadata Information

If you are a designer that is looking to implement Tour Sections on the tour, the variable that you're using on the tour is called $toursections.

You can loop through each tour section by doing:

<?php foreach($toursection as $section) { ?>

<?php } ?>

And subsequently, you can loop through the scenes assigned to this section by doing:

<?php foreach($toursection as $section) { ?>
   <?php foreach($section["sets"] as $set) { ?>
     Scene name: <?= $set["Title"] ?>
   <?php } ?>
<?php } ?>

You can also reference each tour section individually by using $toursection[0], $toursection[1], etc. This is useful if you are looking to have separate design elements for each section.

As listed before, cms_defaults/4.0/cms_admin/phptemplate/site0/tour/template_sections/tour_sections.tpl should have a reference implementation that you can use as a starting point for implementing tour sections on your website.



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