How to arrange your content on the server when using the Video Suite to encode video for ELXComplete:
The CMS system looks in your VOD/Members area for a specific folder to find content for your site:example: /access/content/upload/
Each set of content you add into the system needs to be contained in a folder called a "set folder". The set folder holds your content and allows you to arrange it into subfolders so the system can read and process your content. (Do not to use odd symbols such as '!,@#$%^&*():;""?><[]\{}| in the file naming of set folders or files. Use _ in place of spaces and keep naming to A-Z,a-z,0-9). Set this folder's permissions to CHMOD 777 after creating/uploading it to your server using your FTP clients' "permissions" or "properties" function, usually located by clicking on the folder and then right-clicking. Each set folder must be uniquely named. We suggest using names that make identification easy when looking on the server.example: /access/content/upload/test_content/
TIP: We always suggest naming your set folder with unique names that help you identify the content on the server. This makes it very handy when you are trying to locate a specific scene on the FTP server. Always include some sort of identifying date, internal set number, or the names of the talent involved. A well-organized content area allows the identification a set of content on the server just by reading the set folder name. Also, do not use spaces when naming set folders, instead use underscores '_'.
For Video Content:
Inside each set folder, you should upload your video source file movies(preferably in MP4 format) to a subfolder named either "source"example: /access/content/upload/test_content/source/filename.mp4
If your source format is in any other format besides .flv|.mp4|.mov|.wmv|.avi please let us know and we can adjust the system settings so you can use these source files as a source.
If you have a video trailer that you want the system to use, please create a folder named 'sourcetrailer' and upload your trailer file in .mp4 formatexample: /access/content/upload/test_content/sourcetrailer/filename.mp4
Set the 'sourcetrailer' folder permissions to CHMOD 777 after creating/uploading it to your server using your FTP client "permissions" or "properties" function, usually located by clicking on the folder and then right-clicking. See your FTP client for help with how to set file permissions.
If you do not have a trailer, the system can be configured to create a 30-second preview trailer for you. Please let us know if you would like us to configure the system that way.
For Photo Content:
Inside each set folder, IF you have photo content, you should upload your photos(in jpg format) to a subfolder named "photos".(If you don't, do not create a 'photos' folder)
(Do not use odd symbols such as '!,@#$%^&*():;""?><[]\{}| in the file naming of files or files. Use _ in place of spaces and keep naming to A-Z,a-z,0-9). Set this folder's permissions to CHMOD 777 after creating/uploading it to your server using your FTP clients' "permissions" or "properties" function, usually located by clicking on the folder and then right-click(video or photo source files))example: /access/content/upload/test_content/photos/image_001.jpg
All set folders and subfolders need to be set to CHMOD 777
Once you have uploaded your content and set the file permissions to CHMOD 777, you are ready to add the set of content into the CMS. Once added into the CMS, the server will process the video files on the server in the background into various sizes and formats you choose. It will take between 20 mins and 4 hours to process each line/format depending on length and quality. Please be patient while the server works for you.
If you have any questions or trouble please open a trouble ticket via the support website.