VOD User and IP lockout settings
By default, the VOD (which includes ELX Complete style setups) places limits on users who are logged into the system.
These settings can be changed by adding / altering values that are within cmsinclude.ini.php. If there is not a value present within cmsinclude.ini.php, the system will use the default value that is there.
[temporary_ban_user] settings
These are settings that control how aggressively a user is banned or locked out of the system.
These settings can be listed underneath the [temporary_ban_user] header. If this header does not exist within cmsinclude.ini.php, this header can be added
daily_cap: This is the number of bytes that are allowed per day for a user to download. By default, this value is 150gb. If a user downloads more than this amount of data in a day, they won't be allowed to browse the site until the next day.
Default value: 150000000000
hourly_cap: This is the number of bytes that are allowed per hour for a user to download. By default, this value is 40gb. If a user downloads more than this amount of data in an hour, they won't be allowed to browse the site until the hour is up.
Default value: 40000000000
number_ips_soft: This is the simultaneous number of IPs that are allowed to be signed in at once. This setting is used with the number_minutes_soft setting. For instance, if number_ips_soft=2 and number_minutes_soft=10, the system will log out any existing users if there are more than 2 IPs in the past 10 minutes for this user.
Default value: 2
number_minutes_soft: See entry for number_ips_soft for more information on how this setting works.
Default value: 5
number_ips_hard: This is the simultaneous number of IPs that are allowed to be signed in at once before this user is temporarily banned. This setting is used with the number_minutes_hard and ban_length setting. For instance, if number_ips_hard=5 and number_minutes_hard=30 and ban_length=180, the system will temporarily ban this account if there are more than 5 IPs in the past 30 minutes for this user. The ban will last for 180 minutes, or whatever value is set for ban_length.
Default value: 5
number_minutes_hard: See entry for number_ips_hard for more information on how this setting works.
Default value: 30
ban_length: See entry for number_ips_hard for more information on how this setting works.
Default value: 180
[main] settings
What is present here is related to anti-slurp behavior.
Slurping is when a script attempts to download an entire site using a bot script.
Our system works by embedding an mp4 link within our templates:
<a href="antslrp.mp4"></a>
A bot script attempts to download this movie file automatically. As as result, when this download is attempted, the user is temporarily banned for ban_length number of minutes.
slurptext: This determines the string path that will cause a ban. If this value is changed from "antslrp" to something like "askjfASDFj22oiaw2jk", it will effectively turn off slurp protection for people who try it.
Default value: antslrp
[temporary_ban_ip] settings
What is present here is related to IP addresses that are attempting bad behavior.
There is protection from having a bot script try too many logins and passwords at once. There is also protection that prevents a user or bot script from creating too many free accounts at one time.
number_attempts: This is the number of login attempts that are tried before an IP is temporarily banned. For instance, if number_attempts=25 and number_minutes=5, the system will temporarily ban any IP that tries to sign into the site 25 times within 5 minutes. The temporary ban will last ban_length minutes, which is 180 minutes by default.
Default value: 25
number_minutes: See entry for number_attempts for more information on how this setting works.
Default value: 5
ban_length: See entry for number_ips_hard for more information on how this setting works.
Default value: 180
create_attempts: This is the number of account creations that are tried before an IP is temporarily banned. For instance, if create_attempts=3 and create_minutes=360, the system will temporarily ban any more account creations from that IP. The temporary ban will last ban_length minutes, which is 180 minutes by default.
Default value: 3
create_minutes: Please see the entry for create_attempts on how this setting works.
Default value: 360