Using a Custom Safe for Work (SFW) Landing Page Print

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*Note, this reference is for advanced users. For all Elevated X clients, our support staff will handle setup of your AVS landers as part of our included free technical support services.

The Elevated X AVS system allows for use of a fully functional website with completely different, SFW content, website headers and signup page images, and/or blurred images and either no trailer videos, or separate SFW trailers.

The system also allows for a custom landing page to be shown to visitors from locations requiring AVS.

** Make sure AVS is enabled Globally:
Under "Global settings"( via the Gear icon at the top right of the admin panel), locate the AVS settings area and make sure it is enabled and your production keys are enabled.

***Make sure AVS is enabled for the area entry you wish to use AVS on.(Tour/transparent tour/trial plugin):
Set AVS to "Enabled"

Options for this are:
A) Use the CMS admin panel's "Tour Plug-in", and add a new tour entry. Then choose updates to assign along with uploading or choosing and cropping SFW images.
B) Use the framework as a blank page and add your own HTML, a static image, a video, or any SFW content you'd like.

The SFW Join Page:
Either of the above, can link to a separate join page, which will use its own template file located in /cms_admin/template_folder/tour/SFW_join.tpl

In most cases, this will be a copy of your join.tpl file, but with any adult-related images or text removed or changed to be SFW.


Step 1: Create a new tour folder on your server

In your cmsinclude.ini.php file you CAN use the same template folder as the rest of the site, or choose to use an entirely different template set/folder.

Step 2: If you plan to use a CMS managed your vs a static designed page, create a new tour entry in your CMS admin panel, and edit the cmsinclude.ini.php folder to point to this Tour ID. Navigate to this tour URL in a browser and create the area.

Step 3: In your CMS admin, click the gear at top right, Manage Site Areas, and edit the SFW lander Area. At the top, under "Age Verification (AVS) " select SFW Area from the dropdown menu.

Step 4: In the template folder used for your MAIN WEBSITE HOME PAGE, edit the header.tpl file and ensure that code is at the top of the page that contains "if ($area["AVS"] == "2")" - If not, please create a support ticket and we will provide updated header code for the AVS lander.

Confirm that your AVS lander redirect is in place and configured correctly by visiting which will emulate a visitor from a restricted location.

Step 5: Edit your SFW landing page and SFW join page as desired.

The template locations for these files are:

Please get in touch with us for support if you need assistance.


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