Batch Process Ended Prematurely Print

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Should you need to clear the cms of its memory of a batch or purposely end a batch, visit Utilities, Batch Operations, check the box that says "Flush Queue" and click the Start Batch button. This will cancel out the batch as well as any remaining functions that had not yet been performed.

NOTE - A batch process will only stay active as long as the originating browser window remains open. This means if you shut down your computer, the batch will stop.

As a built-in convenience, should you experience a timeout, power outage, shutdown or other interruption that would cause your current browser session to close, the cms will remember where it left off and will continue as soon as you visit the Utilities page and click Process Queue. Check box(es) for the session(s) you want to resume. Upon clicking "Process Selected Sessions" the process will resume where it left off.

Since some batch processes may be require so much work by both the cms and at times also the server, it's not uncommon for a batch to require more than one session to complete. This is especially common for large sites or new sites where a large amount of content has been imported but no content creation processes have been performed.


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